Tournament Software Screenshots

View screen shots for tournament setup, registered participants, brackets, match times and final results. The R2sports league application has the same features as the tournament software.

The R2sports software tournament application and league manager tool are online web applications that are easy to use. Save hours of time creating draws and setting game times. No need to download and install anything on your computer. Use the software on any pc or smart phone with internet access. Multiple directors can be logged in at the same time. Players and fans can enter and get all of the tourney info from one website.

R2sports Screen Shots: Times

Tournament Scheduling Without Conflicts

Events that allow participants to enter more than one division make it harder to perform tournament scheduling without conflicts. Use the conflicting divisions page to help decide when and where to do the tournament scheduling. For example, the image shows that the Men’s Singles Open division has 14 participants registered. 13 out of the 14 are also in the Men’s Doubles Open, and 1 is in the Men’s Singles A. Clicking on the division code that is linked in the conflicting divisions column will allow the director to see which participants are in both of the divisions.

When a tournament uses multiple venues or clubs for competition, if the venues are not close together, it is important to do the tournament scheduling in a manner to keep the conflicting divisions at the same location to avoid teams having to travel back and forth between multiple facilities.

The conflicting division page also provides a good way to avoid tournament scheduling conflicts. For instance, the screenshot indicates that Men’s single Open should not be scheduled at the same time as Men’s Doubles Open because many of the same players would have a conflict. Using the tournament scheduler to set the Men’s B Singles at the same time as the Men’s Open singles would be ok since those 2 divisions do not have any of the same participants.