Rankings for Sport Organizations

Stop wasting time manually tracking rankings.

The R2sports software for a tournament or league reports results directly to the ranking software. After the director has all game results entered, they simply click on a link to report results to the ranking software.

Some organizations also use the R2 sports membership software and require users to have a current membership in order to have a ranking spot. This is a good way to ensure that members keep a current membership and pay their dues on time.

R2sports Screen Shots: Rankings Software

Seeding with Rank System

For tournament or leagues that are linked to an organization with using the R2 sports rank system, the event director can click the Pre-seed from rankings link to seed the brackets by the current rankings. Then the director can fine tune first round match-ups using the edit on tournament bracket feature.

Seeding draws by an automated rank system eliminates any possible bias that a director could be accused of by an angry player. It is also the fairest way to seed a division.

On the left side of the screenshot, each player will have their current overall ranking displayed. There is also an icon, that when clicked on, will display that player’s rank systems match history.

When viewing the tournament brackets, a the sport organization’s icon is displayed next to the players name in the first round only. On a pool play or a round robin schedule, the view the rank system match history by clicking on the icon underneath the player’s name.

When a player’s rank system number is too far away from the other registered players in a division, often players get angry and feel the player entered a lower skill division. Check player rankings and easily determine if any players need to be reclassify into a new division before brackets are seeded.